Email Signature Maker


• Open Signature settings by clicking File → Options → Mail → Signatures...

• Create a new signature (and set it to your default signature on the right hand side).

Click here to copy the formatted signature to your clipboard.

• Paste it into your signature field (it should look like your signature).

• If links appear underlined in the editor, manually select and underline each link twice to remove the lines.

• Save and close the options window.

• Open Signature settings by clicking Menu → Settings → Signature.

Click here to copy the raw signature to your clipboard.

• Paste it into your signature field (it should look like code).

• Tap Back to save.

• Open your Email Signature settings.

Click here to copy the formatted signature to your clipboard.

You can alternatively try copying the raw signature.

• Paste one of the above options in, and save and close where applicable.

• Android smartphones do not currently support formatted email signatures.

• Some email services do not support formatted email signatures.
